How we Work and Operate, and our Fairness Policy

How we Roll
In areas that we work for you, we require unobstructed access and while we are careful, we cannot be held liable for damage to objects left in the work area.
All electrical appliances, soft furnishings and removal items should be cleared from the work area prior to work commencing – we cannot be held liable for damage to these items.
When items cannot be removed eg. fitted kitchen cabinets, shower cubicles and baths, toilets, fitted wardrobes etc, we will take extra care to protect them but as this is demolition work, we cannot be held responsible for minor damage to these items such as scrapes, scuffs, cracks, marks etc
The vibrations from our machinery can, in some instances cause damage to copper pipes – this is sometimes unavoidable but we will contact a plumber on pur client’s behalf to attend to any damage and this would be a cost to our client.
Removing tiles from walls may result in minor damage to skirting boards, architraves and cornices. We will be as careful as possible in our work but contact with adjoining fittings is unavoidable.Again we cannot be held liable for damage to these fittings.
Any tile removal process creates dust (even claims by some companies that their operation is dust free – read their fine print!) and although we use drop sheets, barrier sheets to adjoining rooms and over hard fitted furnishings, and dust vacuum systems, the client needs to realise dust intrusion is a given and make their own prior preparations to remove or protect their belongings.
As we lift your floor coverings and discover additional layers of substrate not captured in the original quote, additional costs will have to be worn by the client.
In addition, hammering and grinding your slab may result in damage due to imperfections in the original concrete pour – some parts may not have cured properly and be soft near the surface. We cannot be held liable for damage to your slab due to someone else’s poor quality work.
If you wish us to cut existing tiles in-situ, we can do this but can assume no responsibility for damage to adjoining tiles.
Similarly, when we remove wall tiles, there is no guarantee that we won’t chip or crack adjoining floor tiles, and vice-versa. We cannot assume responsibility for any such damage although we will take all reasonable care.
We provide drop sheets on internal soft floor coverings (fitted carpet and carpet squares) but do not cover hard floors or outside areas. We sweep up as we leave your premises but will not hose down, wash or polish floors. Clients may provide additional floor mats/sheets which will use but carry no responsibility for damage to your floors.
In Fairness
When we are engaged to remove tiles or polish concrete, we take the greatest care in our work and for your property. Our policy is to “do no harm” yet in the course of demolition work using jackhammers, grinders, polishers, drills, shovels, hammers and carting around heavy loads of waste, there will inevitably be minor scuffs and scrapes, and the potential for damage to your fittings is real. We endeavour to protect your property and will advise upon commencement of any items or areas of wall or floor which may be at risk.
But, fair’s fair – it’s demolition work and accidents can happen.
Start with a custom quote by one of our Technicians.
Your no-obligation quote will detail tile removal and site cleanup.