Concrete Grinding Brisbane

Our Concrete Grinding Service for Contractors includes:

  • Starting and finishing when we say we will
  • Removing existing floor coverings including 2 Pack and Epoxy
  • Protecting your client’s walls and hard furnishings
  • Grinding the slab
  • Concrete floor/slab repair
  • Our own 3 Phase Generator for where power is scarce

Concrete Grinding in Brisbane is one of those messy and time consuming jobs that many builders and flooring contractors are outsourcing. As we also remove floor tiles, we’re well placed to strip a floor down to the slab for you to paint. We remove existing floor coverings and take all overburden off-site, so that’s one less hassle for you.

Ask about how long concrete grinding takes, our availability in Brisbane and Regional SS QLD, and how we can work with you to get the job done!

Contact us in Brisbane

Also servicing the Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast | Redcliffe | Caboolture | Toowoomba | Victoria Point …and beyond!

Start with a custom quote by one of our Technicians.

Your no-obligation quote will detail tile removal and site cleanup.